Daily Bible-Based Encouragement for Everyone
Join the One Minute Ministries Daily Minute email subscription for free daily messages of Bible-based encouragement that give you a fresh awareness of God's presence in your life. It's Jesus in your inbox everyday Monday - Friday.
One Minute Misistries is dedicated to your peace of mind. There's no catch.
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Daily Messages - What to Expect
Your Daily Dive Into The Word
A message of Bible-based encouragement that gives you a fresh awareness of God's presence in your life. The Daily Minute is a source of biblical based messaging. Its primary purpose is to provide a daily dose of Christian messaging to make you aware of the love, care, and presence of God in your life. The messages vary and may be focused on a specific topic of life, or a specific section of scripture, or Bible basics.
One Minute Ministries strives to bring effective and efficient Christian-based ministries to the modern on-the-go individual. This ministry provides intellectual and inspirational encouragement and learning by delivering daily messages the can be read and understood in less than 60 seconds.